

教育机会计划(EOP) emerged from the Civil Rights movement of the late 1960s as a response to the call for access and equity to higher education. 整个加州, 勇敢的学生, 教师, and staff made great sacrifices to fight for justice and inclusion. 由于这场艰苦的战斗, 学生活动, there is now an EOP at all 23 加州州立大学 campuses.

Below is a video of events that took place at 加州州立大学, Northridge.


Our history as EOP at 基督教社会联盟DH is tightly bound with the history of our campus. 加州州立大学, Dominguez Hills was chartered on April 19, 1960年更名为南湾州立大学. 的 college was originally planned to be located in Palos Verdes, 加州, 成为“西方的哈佛”,进步的, 文理学院. 的 campus was moved to Carson in 1965 as a response to the Watts Rebellion in August of that year. 的 move was an effort by the State of 加州 to address calls by African American residents on the growing need for higher education institutions and career opportunities in South Los Angeles and the surrounding communities.


In light of the political climate of the decade, 示威活动 took place at several 基督教社会联盟 campuses during 1968 and 1969. 学生们抗议越南战争, and called for greater access to higher education for under-represented students. In 1968, students on campuses statewide brought issues of access, culturally and historically relevant courses, and other concerns to the attention of the administration and made their demands known through sit-ins, 示威活动, 和罢工. 的 demand for access to higher education intensified. Students had the motivation and desire to obtain a four-year university degree but lacked the financial means and academic support to encourage their success. To address this, EOP pilot offices were established in several campuses across the state. 的 pilots relied on community outreach and volunteers to attract the most marginalized populations.

EOP was formally institutionalized in 1969 through the Harmer Bill (SB 1072), introduced to the 加州 State Senate by State Senator John Harmer. This bill cleared the way for the 加州州立大学 to develop systemwide, 国家资助的EOP项目.


EOP at 基督教社会联盟 Dominguez Hills was one of the first to assess their applicants in Math, 阅读, and Composition prior to their admission. This was implemented in 1977 by EOP Director James Clayton, due to the prevalence of grade inflation on students' high school transcripts. 斯坦福诊断性阅读测试, 数学诊断, and subjective essays were utilized to evaluate a student's potential for success. This process preceded the mandated EPT and ELM examinations, which began statewide with the incoming freshman class of 1978. 的 EOP assessment was used to assist in the placement into 夏天的桥梁 courses appropriate for the students' level of understanding and knowledge in Math and English subjects. This process also facilitated the beginning of 夏天的桥梁 in 1978, which was conducted by EOP staff and volunteers at 基督教社会联盟DH.

EOP at 基督教社会联盟DH was also one of the first programs to have a dedicated 金融援助 Advisor directly housed in the Office of 金融援助. This began during the winter of 1977 as an experiment to provide EOP students with important financial aid information and counseling. This led to the creation of a dedicated EOP 金融援助 Advisor staff position in 1978. This position allowed EOP to process financial aid applications for EOP students and advise them in accordance with federal and state guidelines. 前EOP助理主任Frank X. Urquidez, is the original EOP 金融援助 Advisor since that winter of 1977. 今天,先生. Urquidez is now retired, but he continues to serve EOP students as a part-time volunteer.


Efforts to serve under-represented students continued into the 1990s. EOP hosted theatrical plays in the University 的ater, including "Cinderella Brown" by Marvin Clayton, 为这个项目筹集资金. EOP also hosted overnight programs for local students, including a weekend program called "Chillin in the Hills" - a program designed by EOP to increase the number of African American males that attended 基督教社会联盟DH by recruiting students from local high schools and inviting them to stay on campus for the weekend.

今天, EOP continues to meet the needs of students who display the potential to succeed in higher education, but who may not meet university admission requirements. 的 program provides services to historically low-income, 历史上教育上的劣势, first-generation college students; a population that not only reflects the diversity of 基督教社会联盟DH feeder communities but also the diversity of the university itself.

csudh——夏天-桥- 1994庆祝



  • 协助完成基督教社会联盟 & EOP applications for prospective applicants
  • 夏季桥牌体验
  • 指导
  • 全面学术建议
  • 学生宣传
  • 学生参与
  • Financial Support through the EOP Grant (if eligible)

