
There are a lot of acronyms and unfamiliar terms throughout the website; can you define some of them?

确定! You’re right; there are a lot of terms that could be confusing so here’s a brief glossary:

  • Contract Training: refers to the training that is defined by a specific contract. 大多数情况下,这种培训是根据组织的需求确定的,然后与基督教社会联盟DH继续和职业教育学院签订合同来管理.
  • 信贷: 指大学学分或提供大学学分的课程.
  • 无学分: 指课程 that do not offer university credit. 有时被称为:专业发展,个人充实,或继续教育.
  • 开放大学: 有没有办法让未获本校录取的学生修读本校提供的课程. 通过开放大学注册的学生将获得开放大学特别课程学分. 你可以申请最多24个学分的开放大学特别课程学分来获得学士学位,或者申请最多6个学分来获得研究生学位.
  • Personal Development: 指那些提供促进个人成长的工具或技能的课程,不一定以职业为导向.
  • Professional Development: 指旨在使你的工作技能与时俱进的学分和非学分课程或项目, enhance your knowledge and job skills to advance your career, or give you the knowledge and skills needed to make a career change.
  • Continuing Education: 指课程, 通常在获得学位后参加的项目或有组织的学习经历,以提高个人和职业目标.

我们做了很大的努力来定义这个目录中的缩写词, here are a few that you may see more often:

  • CEU: Continuing Education Unit
  • 基督教社会联盟DH: California State University Dominguez Hills


What is a Professional Development (non-credit) course?

我们的专业发展(非学分)课程是专门为个人和行业提供快速, 通过集中的方式获得坚实的核心知识和具体领域的实践技能. 这些机会包括研讨会、讲习班和证书课程. 许多专业发展课程设有持续教育单元(ceu).



No, 我们的专业发展(非学分)课程是专门为在职成年人设计的, 时间安排和注册方便(不需要进入基督教社会联盟DH).



No, 但继续教育单位是参加专业发展非学分项目的永久记录. 它们由美国教育委员会(ACE)颁发,并由基督教社会联盟DH管理. ceu可以提升你的简历,并提供另一个机会来展示你对职业发展的承诺. CEUs for specific 职业s are also available for select programs.


What is a Certificate Program?

它是一门学科中某一学科的一组课程, 行业, 职业, 或者兴趣领域. Nearly all of the 基督教社会联盟DH Continuing & 专业教育证书课程提供继续教育单元(ceu).


How do I complete a Certificate Program?


  • [在大多数情况下]一个个人或团体的项目,显示对…的理解
    courses presented in the program
  • Attendance and active participation in all required classes


Can I take a University credit course if I’m not enrolled at 基督教社会联盟DH?

是的, 开放大学为那些目前没有被我校录取或注册的人提供了一个机会,让他们可以参加普通大学提供的大多数课程. 华南理工大学的开放大学项目允许在“可用空间”的基础上注册常规大学学分课程, subject to the approval of the instructor and the department chair. 注册过程很简单,不需要被大学录取.

访问 基督教社会联盟DH 开放大学 for complete information ►


How do I know if a program is right for me? How do I determine which courses to take?

On most of our program descriptions, please review the "Who Should Attend" section to learn about expectations and career relevance; in addition, “你将学习什么”部分确定课程目标和成果.


For working 职业als, 你的雇主也可能会提供指导,帮助你完善职业道路和项目决策.


How do I get reimbursed from my employer?

  • Before You Get Started: Make sure the program you wish to enter is covered by your company’s tuition reimbursement program; some programs may not be covered.
  • While You Are Enrolled: Bring any company-requested forms for signature to class.
  • After You Are Finished: Save proof of course attendance; request transcripts and sign-off forms if needed.


Does 基督教社会联盟DH offer Corporate Discounts?

是的. Please contact Kim McNutt at kmcnutt@13151.net for group discounts.


When do courses start?



Do you have evening and weekend courses?

是的, we try to accommodate the busy, schedules of working adults, so most of our programs are offered in the evenings and on weekends.


What if the course cancels?


联系 CCPE Registration Office for further details ►


Can I register on-site on the first day of the course?

是的 — For most courses, if space is available; however, 我们建议您尽快注册以确保“座位”。. +, 你的提前承诺有助于给课程足够的注册, so the class won't be canceled unnecessarily.

Certificate 项目 and OSHA Training Institute Education Center:
No — Course registration is required a minimum of four (4) business days 在课程开始之前,确保有足够的时间创建您的学生帐户/访问权限.


How often do the course schedules come out?

Here at 基督教社会联盟DH, we publish schedules per year as follows:

  • 秋天 (university credit and non-credit courses) mid-July
  • 春天 (university credit and non-credit courses) early November
  • 夏天 (university credit and non-credit courses) early April


How do I obtain a transcript?

成绩单是验证课程完成和授予学位的官方手段.  Transcripts contain details such as course titles, 单位尝试, and final grades for each term of attendance at 基督教社会联盟DH. 所有成绩单请求都通过Parchment处理,这是一种加密和安全的服务. There is an additional $2.45 service charge per transcript. We do not accept faxed or mailed copies of transcript requests.

访问 基督教社会联盟DH Transcript Request for more information ►


I am an employee of California State University. Is the tuition fee waiver applicable to Continuing & Professional Education certificates or degree programs?

如果一个项目是由州政府资助的,那么雇员就有资格参加这个费用减免项目. 学费减免只适用于科罗拉多州立大学普通基金课程(秋季和春季).

所有符合条件的员工最多可选修2门课程或6个单元, whichever is greater, 每学期. (If enrolled in more than 2 courses or 6 units, employees shall pay the difference at regular enrollment rates.)

参观 基督教社会联盟DH Fee Waiver Program for more information ►


What if I have additional questions?

Speak with one of our knowledgeable and friendly representatives:

电话: (310) 243-3741选项2
电子邮件: learn@13151.net
Hours: M-F 9am-5pm
